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Free Ideas
Here are some fresh ideas to de-stink your marketing and increase your sales while spending less money on marketing.
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Follow-up using a variety of methods.
Education is just the start. But it’s not the end. You just can’t educate and hope they buy. Now you need to contact them regularly and...
Use common sense when choosing media.
Now that you have selected only one market and you know why people buy, contact them using the right media. There are four media: 1)...
Poke at their pain, yet offer solutions.
What do you say when you follow-up? It’s easy: Remind them of their pain, the reason they contacted you in the first place. Put your...
Enter the conversation in their head.
After you flag them down, you now enter the conversation already going on inside their head. But remember this: Whoever you’re talking to...
Choose only one market at a time.
You may have many products and services to sell. And you have many potential people who could buy from you. That’s good. It may be...
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